Impedance = Complex Impedance = vi/ci
CF = Crest Factor = (waveform peak)/(waveform rms)
CFC = Carrier Frequency Content = 10^(x/20)/frms, %
THDF = Transformer Harmonic De-rating Factor = sqrt(2)/CF, %
VDF = Voltage De-rating Factor = 100 - (voltage unbalance, %)^2, %
Se, fund = Location of pole pass frequency fundamental, Hz
Se, harm = Number of pole pass frequency harmonics
Level = Sum of spectral amplitudes of pole pass frequency fundamentals and
Slip = SRSS sum of slip and harmonic "levels" divided by RMS level of
RMS DEMOD spectra between 0 and 65 Hz.
Upper sb = dB level of upper slip sideband of power line peak
Lower sb = dB level of lower slip sideband of power line peak
Rotor bar health = Estimate of the percent of broken or cracked rotor bars
Thd = Total harmonic distortion
+Ve = Positive sequence harmonic
-Ve = Negative sequence harmonic
Zero = Zero sequence harmonic
Running Speed = 49.866 Hz / 2992 Rpm
Pole pass frequency = 0.061 Hz
Load = 90.8 %
| Peak
| CF
Current 1
| 13.500
| 22.505
| 1.667
Current 2
| 13.600
| 21.515
| 1.582
Current 3
| 13.800
| 22.123
| 1.603
| 13.633
| 22.048
| 1.617
% dev
| 1.2
| 2.4
| 3.1
THDF = 87.4
| Peak
| CF
Voltage 1
| 401.200
| 336.630
| 0.839
Voltage 2
| 402.000
| 555.620
| 1.382
Voltage 3
| 402.700
| 562.830
| 1.398
| 401.970
| 485.030
| 1.206
% dev
| 0.2
| 30.6
| 30.4
VDF = 100.0
| App. Power
| Real Power
| Reac. Power
| Power factor
| Impedance
| kVA
| kW
Phase 1
| 0.829
| 29.719
| 3.125
| 2.590
| 1.749
Phase 2
| 0.779
| 29.559
| 3.158
| 2.460
| 1.980
Phase 3
| 0.799
| 29.181
| 3.206
| 2.560
| 1.930
| 0.802
| 29.486
| 9.489
| 7.610
| 5.659
% dev
| 3.3
| 1.0
Demand Pwr = 7.6 KW [Load:90.8 %, Motor Eff.:90.0 %, Output Pow.:6.8 KW, Output Trq.:22 N.m]
Summary of Rotor Bar Health
| Power line dB diff.
| Rotor bar
Health index
| Se, fund
| Se, harm
| Level %
| Upper SB
| Lower SB
| 0.061
| 1
| -
| -100.0
| -100.0
| 0.0022
Severity level
| Rotor Condition Assessment
| Recommended Corrective Action
| | None